Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo

I am a PhD student in Hausel group in Institute of Science and Technology Austria.

Before that, I studied mathematics at the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. My bachelor thesis was supervised by Mykola Nessonov.

My research interests include representation theory, mathematical physics and Lie theory. Currently, I am working with the big algebras recently introduced by Hausel using their connections to Bethe subalgebras in Yangians. I am also interested in representation-theoreric aspects of "infinite-dimensional groups", e.g. their characters and factor-representations.

Papers and preprints

  • Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, Big algebra in type A for the coordinate ring of the matrix space (2025), preprint available at arxiv:2501.04605.
  • Nikolay Nessonov, Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, Indecomposable characters on direct limit of symmetric groups with diagonal embeddings (2022), preprint available at arXiv:2206.01964.
  • Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, GL_n-structure and principal sl_2-triple on the cohomology ring of complex Grassmannian (2021), preprint available at arXiv:2111.08754.
  • Drafts

  • Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, Big algebra in type A for the coordinate ring of the matrix space (2024).
  • Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, Classical and quantum family algebras of the fundamental representations of gl_n (2022).
  • Talks

    The approximation theorem for the characters of "big" groups, Ergodic group actions and unitary representations seminar, online, December 2024.

    Indecomposable characters on direct limit of symmetric groups with with diagonal embeddings, UK-Poland Ukraine trilateral international meeting, IM PAN, Warsaw, October 2024.

    Contact information

    My e-mail address is nhoktkhaishon[dot]ngo[at]ista[dot]ac[dot]at.

    Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
    Am Campus 1
    3400 Klosterneuburg

    You can find me in the office I21.O3.115 on the third floor of the Office Building West.