Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo

I am a PhD student in Hausel group in Institute of Science and Technology Austria.

Before that, I studied mathematics at the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. My bachelor thesis was supervised by Mykola Nessonov.

My research interests include representation theory, mathematical physics and Lie theory. Currently, I am working with the big algebras recently introduced by Hausel using their connections to Bethe subalgebras in Yangians.

Papers and preprints

  • Nikolay Nessonov, Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, Indecomposable characters on direct limit of symmetric groups with diagonal embeddings (2022), preprint available at arXiv:2206.01964.
  • Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, GL_n-structure and principal sl_2-triple on the cohomology ring of complex Grassmannian (2021), preprint available at arXiv:2111.08754.
  • Drafts

  • Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, Big algebra in type A for the coordinate ring of the matrix space (2024).
  • Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo, Classical and quantum family algebras of the fundamental representations of gl_n (2022).
  • Contact information

    My e-mail address is nhoktkhaishon[dot]ngo[at]ist[dot]ac[dot]at.

    Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
    Am Campus 1
    3400 Klosterneuburg

    You can find me in the office I21.O3.115 on the third floor of the Office Building West.